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Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Di Dalam Rumah

Dialogue 1:
Maya: Is this your bedroom?
Ira: Yes, it is
Maya: Do you clean it every day?
Ira: Yes, I do
Maya: Who make the bad?
Ira: I do it myself
Maya: Do you sweep the floor?
Ira: I do.

Dialogue 2:
Budi: Do you sleep on the bed?
Irwan: Yes I do
Budi: Is your bad of iron?
Irwan: It's of wood
Budi: Is theree a mattress on it?
Irwan: There's a thick mattress on it.

Dialogue 3:
Budi: Whta Colour is the bedroom
Irwan : It's white
Budi: Is it always clean?
Irwan: Yes, it is
Budi: Who washes it?
Irwan: We use a waching machine
Budi : Does it need electricity?
Irwan: Yes. it does.

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