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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dirumah Kelas 7 Semester 2

Belajar di rumah dalam waktu yang cukup lama tentu kadang membuat rasa kejenuan sendiri, disini saya akan berbagai materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 semester 2. Silahkan anda pelajari materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 ini di rumah. Semoga ringkasan materi Bahasa Inggris ini dapat membantu selama belajar di rumah karena mewabahnya penyakit virus Corona.

Here are some expresions of asking appearance and someone'characteristic whic used in the dialogue in Activity 1.
  1. Asking for Physical Appearance
    -How does she lokk like?
  2. Answering for Physical Appearance
    -She is (tall/short/slim/thin)
    -She has got (short/long/straight/wavy/curly)hair.
    -She has got (oval/round/square)face.
    -She has got a(pointed/flat) nose.
    -She has got (thick/thin) lips.
    -She has got (white/brown) skin.
  3. Asking for someone's Characteristic.
    -How is she like?
  4. Answering for someone's Characteristic
    -She is (smart/kind/beautiful/honest/patien/tlakative/etc)
Grace   : Hi, Guys, do you know about American elephant?
Simon  : Yes, Ofcrouse. I know about American elephant.
Grace  : Indian elephant? What does it look like?
Simon  :Indian elephant is smaller than American elephant. It has smaller ears too.
Grace   : What about their skin?
Simon   : Their skin tends to be less wrinkly than the American elephant.
Grace . : Wow.....You know a lot about them. Thank you Simon.
Simon   : You're welcome.

2 Responses to " Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dirumah Kelas 7 Semester 2 "

  1. Waah menarik nih mas penjelasannya untuk dipahami...Ok thanks yaa sudah berbagi..😊😊


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