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Healthy Snacks For Our Kids

Healthy Snacks For Our Kids - Here some ideas of what you can give to your children between his meal if he is hungry:
  1. Healthy Trail Mix
    Mix one cup of whole-grain cereal with 1/4 cup of chopped nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews) and 1/4 cup of chopped dried fruit (apricots, prunes, raisins and cranberries) for a healthy that you can take anywhere.
  2. Frozen Treats
    Freze fruits such as seedles grapes, kiwifruits or straberries for an icy-cool treat that is low in sugar and high inn vitamins. For extra fun, skewer a few fruits pieces on a satay stik or toothpick before freezing.
  3. Yoghurt Pots
    Top a cup of low-fat, low sugar yoghurt with granola or fresh fruit for a quick calcium boost.
  4. Cheese and Crackers
    Top whole-grain crackers with a soft chesees spread or a piece of tasty cheddar for an easy-to-prepare snack that is rich in calcium.
  5. Easy Guacamole
    Mash a ripe avocado with a squeeze of lemon juice, a pinch of salt and some chopped ripe tomatoes to make a mild, nutritous guacamole that even your picky child will love. Serve with plain tortilla chips or whole-grain crackers.
  6. Veggies an dip
    Cut cucumber, celery, carrots and / or capsicums into stick and serve with small side of low-fat dressing. This is a savoury snack that is easy to prepare in advance - just prepare the veggies and store in an air-tight container in the fridge.

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