Wednesday, January 16, 2013


It was a great summer day. The little green leaf was playing merrily with her brother and sisters.
One day, the wind started to blow. "Autumn is coming!" said one of this brothers. "But I want it to be summer forever !" said the little green leaf. "You can't stop autumn from coming!" said one of his sister.
Sure enough, one by one, the leaves turned brown. The little green leaf became a little brown leaf now. He din't like it. "I'm so ugly," he said. "No, you look normal," said mother tree. Then one by one, the leave fell into the ground. "Yipeeee," they shouted. But the little brown leaf held on very tightly. Mother tree said, "Go ahead! Jump!" "No! I want to be up here forever," he said. Soon he was the only one on the three. He felt lonely. He saw his brothers and sister playing on the ground. He was cold. Then when he was sleeping, a bird came and plucked him. Then the bird gently put him on the ground. 

The little brown leaf shocked when he woke up. But soon he was already happy and comfortable among his brothers and sisters. "I guess autumn is nice, too" he thought. 

Remember : Do not be afraid of a changes. Embrace changes because the world changes all the time.   

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