Monday, November 10, 2014

The food that does not make the body to be stretched

Your diligent exercise but weight does not go down? Perhaps the mistake is in your diet. After you exercise, the energy would be drained so that hunger came. But, when hungry after exercise you should first make sure the right foods consumed. 
It is important to recharge your body after exercise and metabolism returned to normal. Foods that contain natural macronutrients such as carbohydrates and proteins, as well as natural micronutrients, it is best eaten after exercise. The reason is, because exercise causes your body to work harder to break down the cells of the body so that the necessary foods that contain substances that promote the recovery of cells above as soon as possible.
If not, then the more fat stored in the body. Here is a selection of foods that you can eat after exercise. 

  1. Fruits
    orange, papaya and all types of berries contain high karbohidratyang be directly absorbed after your body expends energy.
  2. Nuts
    Examples almound and cashew nuts are high in protein that can help repair muscle.
  3. Cereals
    cereals contain substances needed by the body complete as carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins and minerals.
  4. Chicken
    chicken meat has a high protein content can also improve muscle. Instead, you eat chicken chest because the fat content a bit.
  5. Green Vegetables
    broccoli, asparagus and spinach are full of vitamins and minerals. Very good to accelerate your metabolism.

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