Monday, May 19, 2014

Cerita Berbahasa Inggris dan Artinya

One day, a monkey found a persimmon stone and a crab found a rice cake. The monkey, who wanted to eat the rice cake, said to the crab. "You can eat the rice cake only once! But the persimmon stone you can plant. It will then grow into a big tree and you will have many delicious persimmons to eat!"
So the crab gave the monkey the rice cake and took the persimmon stone and planted it. Every day tha crab watered the tsone and soon a small seedling appeared. It kept growing until it was a big tree and had a lot off fruit. The crab then began to climb the persimmon tree to get some of the fruit, but the monkey followed her and threw the crab down. Then the monkey climbed up the tree and ate the persimmon fruit him self. The crab tried to stop the monkey who hit her with a big persimmon and then ran away.

The crab broke into thousands of small pieces and tiny crabs were born from them. They all wanted to punish the monkey and marched towards his home.
A bee came along and asked them where they were going. "we are going to punish the monkey who killed our mother," they all said. The crabs then gave the bee a dumpling and they went along together.
After a while, a chestnut rolled a long and asked them where they were going. "We are to punish the monkey who killed our mother," they all said. They gave the chestnut a dumpling and they all went on together.
Then they met a snail in the middle of the path who asked them where thwy were going. "We are go to punish the monkey who killed our mother," they all said. They gave the snail a dumpling and they went on together.
Finally they met a grinding stone who asked them where they were going. "We are going to punish the monkey who killed our mother," they all said. They gave a grinding stone a dumpling and went on together.
When they reached the monkey's home he was not there, so the chestnut hid in the fire-place; the bee sat on the handle of the ladle; the snail lay in the front entrance; the grinding stone rested on top of the door; and the little crabs hid all over the house.
The monkey came in from the cold and went to the fire-place to warm himself. But the chestnut, as hot as fire, jumped into his face. The monkey rushed to the water to cool himself and the bee stung him. Then all the crabs came out to pinch him. Quickly he ran outside but slipped on the snail and fell down.
Thereupon the grinding stone fell down and crushed him.

Artinya : 
Kera dan Kepiting
Suatu hari , seekor monyet menemukan sebuah batu kesemek dan kepiting menemukan kue beras . Monyet , yang ingin makan kue beras , berkata kepada kepiting. " Anda dapat makan kue beras hanya sekali ! Tapi batu kesemek Anda dapat menanam . Hal ini kemudian akan tumbuh menjadi pohon besar dan Anda akan memiliki banyak kesemek lezat untuk makan ! "
Jadi kepiting memberi monyet kue beras dan mengambil batu kesemek dan menanamnya . Setiap hari  kepiting menyiram kesemek dan segera bibit kecil muncul . Itu terus tumbuh sampai itu tumbuh pohon besar dan memiliki banyak buah . Kepiting kemudian mulai memanjat pohon kesemek untuk mendapatkan beberapa buah , tapi monyet mengikutinya dan melemparkan kepiting dari bawah . Kemudian monyet memanjat pohon dan memakan buah kesemek nya . Kepiting mencoba untuk menghentikan monyet yang memukulnya dengan kesemek besar dan kemudian melarikan diri .
Kepiting pecah menjadi ribuan potongan-potongan kecil dan kepiting kecil lahir dari mereka . Mereka semua ingin menghukum monyet dan berjalan menuju rumahnya .
Seekor lebah datang dan bertanya kepada mereka kemana mereka akan pergi. " kita akan menghukum monyet yang membunuh ibu kami , " kata mereka semua . Kepiting kemudian memberikan lebah pangsit dan mereka pergi bersama bersama-sama .
Setelah beberapa saat , chestnut digulung panjang dan meminta mereka di mana mereka akan pergi . " Kita harus menghukum monyet yang membunuh ibu kami , " kata mereka semua . Mereka memberi chestnut pangsit dan mereka semua pergi bersama-sama .
Kemudian mereka bertemu siput di tengah-tengah jalan yang meminta mereka kemana  mereka akan pergi . " Kami akan pergi untuk menghukum monyet yang membunuh ibu kami , " kata mereka semua . Mereka memberi siput pangsit dan mereka pergi bersama-sama .
Akhirnya mereka bertemu batu penggilingan yang meminta mereka di mana mereka akan pergi . " Kami akan menghukum monyet yang membunuh ibu kami , " kata mereka semua . Mereka memberi batu gerinda pangsit dan pergi bersama-sama .
Ketika mereka sampai di rumah monyet dia tidak ada , sehingga kastanye yang bersembunyi di api - tempat ; lebah duduk di gagang sendok ; siput berbaring di depan pintu masuk ; batu gerinda beristirahat di atas pintu ; dan kepiting kecil bersembunyi di seluruh rumah .
Monyet datang dari dingin dan pergi ke tempat api untuk menghangatkan diri . Tapi cokelat, panas seperti api , mengenai wajahnya . Monyet bergegas ke air untuk mendinginkan dirinya dan lebah menyengatnya . Kemudian semua kepiting keluar untuk mencubit dia . Cepat-cepat ia berlari keluar tapi tergelincir pada siput dan jatuh .
Kemudian batu gerinda jatuh dan hancur dia.

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