Thursday, January 10, 2013


Do you know why mountains are made of stone?
          At the beginning  of the world, a man named Ekon lived in Luzon. He like to build thing. He thought it would be an excellent idea to build a bridge to the sky.
         As he wanted the bridge to be strong and last a long time, he built it of stone. he worked for years and years building the bridge. His wife and children, nephews and nieces, uncles and aunts, all helped him. Although they worked very hard, the sky always seemed to be along distance away. When Ekon become and old man, his wife and children  told him that he would never finish it. 

         "If I can't finish it, he said, "my children's children will do so."
         But just before he died, his wife and children told him that they could not find any more stones.
          So Ekon became very angry and disappointed. Although he was very old and weak, he pulled down the bridge. It came tumbling down with a great roar.
          The stones made great heaps all over the country. These great heaps of  stones are what we now call mountains. Ekon was buried under one of them himself.

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